New Live Aid

Make Money Green

Let us show you how!

Upcoming launch: AID Charity NFTs

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Let me tell you very briefly what is New Live Aid!

New Live Aid (AKA: NLA) is a community driven, crypto based company located in Hungary that provides a borderless win-win-win solution for environmental problems.

We can generate income with it.
You can make money green with it.
Earth can be more sustainable with it.

In traditional terms: New Live Aid is a company with green activities in which you can have a share from day zero.

If you are new to crypto we encourage you to get basic knowledge from Misha Lederman, Klever’s Director of Communications here!

Divisions with which we are generating income

The clear aim of the AID webshop is to generate revenue by promoting and making available products that are locally made and sustainable. Our products are made from natural ingredients with virtually no unnecessary additives. This will include, for example, kitchen detergent, rinse aid, spot cleaner, soap, etc. An essential part and pillar of the New Live Aid ecosystem, it is the cornerstone of the quarterly dividend distribution. First in Hungary, then expanded.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


With the AID Carbon Credit division, we generate revenue primarily by targeting large corporations, but this is not their privilege. Carbon credit is designed to offset a person’s carbon emissions. In practice, we become ‘carbon capital’ by planting trees, organising green paint jobs (see: graphene paint installations) and installing renewable energy plants. Those who offset their carbon footprint with us will receive a unique AID Carbon NFT as a certificate. It is the cornerstone of the quarterly dividend distribution.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


Divisions with which we are marketing the project

When you look at the whole picture, the most important factor if you want to make any positive change, either in your environment or financially, is education. The current education systems do not yet teach sustainable vision, basic financial literacy, so generations have grown up knowing next to nothing about it. The idea of sustainability and cryptocurrencies is for all of us. It is precisely from this motivation that we are launching our educational activities, which are accessible to all.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


No product without marketing. In addition to traditional marketing activities (publications, social media, search engine optimization, advertising, paid promotions), we also have offline activities that are not only perfect marketing ploys, but also clean up our environment and are a great team-builder that anyone can join. These activities include tree planting and litter picking.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


We also want to play our part in cleaning up smoggy streets in urban environments. This is to raise awareness of the project and create more liveable cities for all of us. With our pet watering points and modern toilet scheme we aim to achieve this goal.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


Opportunities with which you make money green

This feature is Wall Street’s passive income, the dividend, repackaged in the crypto universe. The dividends will be distributed quarterly.

The size of the dividend will be determined in the traditional way, for the year ended, by placing a percentage of the annual profit in the AID BAG. Thus, the AID BAG will be the difference between the income and expenses of the AID divisions, known as profit. The main criteria for determining the percentage is the degree of reinvestment, i.e. how much to reinvest in growth, as the main concern is long-term sustainability.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


For us, it is very important to put such an ambitious project on a solid footing, such as passive income, education, many green activities. NFTs cannot be left out of this list.

Clearly, we had to create a collection of NFTs that would reflect the green nature of the project, but at the same time provide the investors with usecases, privileges, giveaways that would make them a good investment.

The AID NFTs roadmap includes the launch of AID Token, the expansion of the AID SHOP division’s product range with merchandise, operation as Klever Validator and the launch of the AID CARBON division.

Really valuable NFTs only exist with real utilities.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


Current value of the AID BAG
0 $

Next distribution: to be announced

The AID BAG is a vault that is continuously filled with a percentage of the non-crypto earnings of the New Live Aid ecosystem, and from which quarterly dividends are paid to AID Token holders.

We are also involved in Charity

Without charities the world would be even more unbalanced. We will create a collection based on the AID NFTs scheme, which will include a special accessory in any case. These NFTs will be the charitable NFTs. 100% of the income from the sale of the charitable NFTs will be donated to a selected cause each year through a community vote.

Read more in the Whitepaper!


Our goal is to protect Earth's pillars

We believe that the most effective way to protect our Earth, thus planetary boundaries is by highlighting their existence and raising awareness of our environment, but motivation is also key. Boundaries, responsible for the Earth’s livability, must be managed systematically and we must see clearly that everything is interconnected here. These so called planetary boundaries are the pillars of our planet Earth. When one planetary boundary is crossed, all the others are damaged, modified, or even changed in their boundary value.

Read more about our guide and inspiration in the Whitepaper!


Climate change

This is how the system is usually identified in general. Climate change is itself a projection of our progress towards the edge of the planetary boundaries. Climate change affects all planetary boundaries and significantly accelerates our journey towards the edge of the boundary values.

Good to know!

The Earth, which has now exceeded 390 ppmv (ppmv = concentration of a pollutant in the atmosphere in million particles) of CO2 in the atmosphere, has now exceeded the planetary boundary threshold.

What can I do?

Livestock production accounts for 14% of all greenhouse gases, with cattle production being the largest contributor. The easiest and most effective way to reduce the harm is to cut down on red meat in your daily diet.

Biosphere integrity

Nature’s diversity has a vocation to ensure the right flow of materials and energies on the planet. “The biosphere cycle is the Earth’s inhalation and exhalation.”

Good to know!

Since 1970 alone, we have lost more than 70% of all wild vertebrate species.

What can I do?

One of the main reasons for deforestation is the need to acquire land to grow oil palms. Avoiding the purchase of products containing palm oil can reduce demand and thus indirectly destroy less rainforest.

Ocean acidification

In water, carbon dioxide becomes carbonic acid, which lowers the PH and makes it acidic. This process threatens more than 150 critical species, especially molluscs such as corals.

Good to know!

Corals and phytoplankton, constantly and indirectly destroyed by humans, produce at least 50% of the oxygen we breathe.

What can I do?

Weigh up when you travel. Cycle or use public transport if you can. Share a car with a colleague to the same meeting if you can.

Stratospheric ozone depletion

The ozone layer is a shield of ozone molecules around the Earth. The shield is able to reflect harmful ultraviolet radiation, without it the Earth would be uninhabitable and all life would die. It absorbs some UV-B radiation and almost all UV-C, the first can cause skin cancer and eye irritation, while the latter is deadly due to its cell-destroying effects.

Good to know!

In 1989, the Montreal Protocol banned the production of ozone-depleting substances, which could restore ozone by 2065.

What can I do?

Avoid pesticides and insecticides containing methyl bromide, which destroys ozone. Avoid using wood or plant sources where this is used. Make sure you are individually checked for exemption.

Atmospheric aerosol loading

Some aerosols are a natural part of the atmosphere – they come from erupting volcanoes, sea salt and forest fires. But humans release many aerosols into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Aerosols are part of air pollution and are hazardous to human health. Aerosols help form clouds and affect the climate. Clouds reflect solar radiation from the Earth back into space, which has a cooling effect on the climate.

Good to know!

Every year, around 4.2 million people die from aerosol pollution.

What can I do?

Avoid using gas-powered, bottled deodorants and household products to reduce the amount of aerosol released into the air.

Biochemical fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus

Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential elements for plant growth, so the production and use of fertiliser is a key consideration. Human activity currently uses more atmospheric nitrogen than all land processes on Earth combined. Much of this newly produced reactive nitrogen is released into the atmosphere in various forms, rather than being taken up by plants. When washed away by rainfall, it pollutes water and coastal zones and accumulates in the Earth’s biosphere. Waters can become oxygen-depleted and drift beyond their ecological threshold.

Good to know!

A regional example of the impact is the decline in shrimp catches in the Gulf of Mexico “dead zone”, caused by fertiliser transported by rivers from the Midwestern US.

What can I do?

The main cause of flow manipulation is the overuse of fertilisers in crop production. By buying organic (BIO) fruit, we support farms that use little conventional fertiliser or chemical manure.

Freshwater use

The freshwater cycle is strongly affected by climate change and its boundaries are closely linked to the climatic boundary. Consequences of human interference with water bodies include both global-scale changes in river flows and shifts in evapotranspiration resulting from land-use change. These changes in the hydrological system can be rapid and irreversible.

Good to know!

Water is becoming scarcer – by 2050, half a billion people would be water scarce if we were to stand idly by. In Hungary alone, 37 rivers are in danger of drying up, compared to none six years ago.

What can I do?

Above all, don’t waste! Don’t run water from the tap unnecessarily, and if you can, water your plants with rainwater!

Land-system change

Approximately half of the available land in Earth has been converted to agricultural land for human use. This change in the land system is a major driver of serious biodiversity loss, affecting water flows and the biochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other important elements.

Good to know!

Forests cover 31% of the Earth’s surface, about 4.06 billion hectares. Only 18% of the world’s forests are in areas protected from deforestation. Today, 10 million hectares of forest are deforested every year, which means the loss of more than 1000 hectares of forest every hour. No reforestation is currently taking place at this rate on Earth.

What can I do?

Recycling is the simplest thing to do, yet it has a very positive impact! Demand is the driving force behind the overuse of the land system. We can do our part by repairing some of our tools, passing on our used clothes, buying second-hand items, or even renting some of them!

Release of new chemicals (Novel entities)

The release of toxic and long-lasting materials, such as synthetic organic pollutants, heavy metal compounds and radioactive substances, represents some of the key man-made changes to the planet’s environment. These compounds have the potential to have irreversible effects on living organisms and the physical environment (by affecting atmospheric processes and climate). Even if the inputs of chemical pollution are not lethal to organisms, the potential effects of reduced fertility and permanent genetic damage can have severe impacts on ecosystems far from the source of pollution.

Good to know!

Persistent organic compounds (such as common plastics) have caused dramatic declines in bird populations and harmed the reproduction and development of marine mammals worldwide.

What can I do?

Be conscious when shopping! Be careful when buying packaging materials, cosmetics or chemicals! Just by making a simple cleaning product at home, we are making a big difference!

The problem is both complex and simple

The Lack of Everyday Awareness

To protect our planetary boundaries, one would think that the most obvious solution (which is also extremely difficult) would be to increase carbon sequestration, save endangered species, create reserves, stop over-fertilisation, ban harmful substances globally, phase out aerosols, leave the water cycle alone and reforest farmland…

But the danger of crossing planetary boundaries is actually rooted in a lack of awareness. Let us take from nature only what we need! If possible, always dare to think systematically! Leave every place in better shape than you found it! If we make these basic rules a priority in our daily lives, our quality of life, our health and our caring attitude towards the environment will improve significantly!

I started "promoting" sustainable thinking in my family by encouraging my grandmother to stop using so many nylon bags. Since then she has been doing it, and enjoying it! Even the smallest decisions in everyday life have a huge shaping power. In our sustainable future, we must learn to consider and even say no to the things we are used to, in order to achieve a balance.

Sustainable Discord Community

By joining to our discord server, you can talk with more people who's thinking like a green alien and do everything he/she can to be greener every day!

Help To Earn Fundament

We have built a system that provides motivation for those who act green. We have built a system that provides motivation for those who act green.

The AID Token itself is a motivating force and a transactable asset as well as the AID NFTs.

The ecosystem of New Live Aid provides passive income opportunities via dividends and other rewards

#HelpToEarn is not just a hashtag, it’s a philosophy. Your help for planet Earth drives the project forwards, and the flourishing of the project enables passive income for you.

AID Team

Peter Deri

Co-Founder, CEO

Mate Zalan Simon

Co-Founder, CEO

Zoltan Csepanyi

Deputy Manager

Your name here

Social Media Manager / Content Creator

If you want to be part of the team, write us an e-mail by clicking the mail icon above!


Simply think of the AID BAG as a virtual safe that we have created to provide AID token holders the opportunity to earn passive income in forms of dividends. Dividends are paid out of the AID BAG quarterly.

The passive source of income on Wall Street is none other than dividends. We wanted to incorporate some form of dividend system into the AID ECOSYSTEM, so that we could provide AID Token holders with a passive income generating source through the dividend paying feature of the stock. Dividends are paid out of the AID BAG quarterly and all AID token holders are entitled to receive dividends.

With staking, burning is a neccesity which technicly is a TAX. We do not want to tax our investors! This is why we have implemented dididends in the New Live Aid ecosystem.

When thinking about the blockchain option, we had to consider the following:
  • Be able to freely create NFTs and tokens
  • Be fast, reliable and secure
  • Let us reach out to developers and founders
  • Provide a strong knowledge base to use blockchain
  • Educate those who are not yet in crypto
  • Exceptionally high value roadmap and improvements
There is only one blockchain that fulfills the above. KleverChain is the way!
Klever Finance | Crypto made simple with KLV & KFI

Visit KleverNFT from Klever Wallet!

Stay tuned! When 60% of the AID NFTs sold, we form the AID Token ITO.

The above does not constitute financial advice. Read the whitepaper, review the roadmap, open Blockchain Explorer and use your own judgement when investing.

See you later,


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